Magzter promo code: want to buy Magzter products at discounted rates then use our Magzter Coupon Codes on Friday, 8th July 2022. If you use these coupons then you will be able to buy products at cheap rates. If you don’t know how to use this product then we have explained it below.
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If you think these coupons will not work then you can try out the first Magzter coupon code on Gangacoupons. If you have any doubt regarding Magzter then you can go through the FAQ section. You can also try out Magzter Coupon Codes on our website. You can also try out AbeBooks Promo Codes, Discount Code on our website, magzter gold free subscription magzter gold subscription offer magzter gold subscription offer 999 magzter offer hdfc magzter gold subscription hack magzter coupon code india
Magzter Coupon Codes FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]
What is the Magzter?
Magzter is the ultimate way to browse, buy, and read content on your tablet or smartphone; whether it is Apple (iPad/iPhone/iPod) or Android (Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Xoom, Dell Streak, Google Nexus-S, etc.) or just on the web using your browser at
How do I delete my magzter account?
You can deactivate your account by visiting ‘Edit My Profile’ under ‘My Account and clicking on ‘Deactivate my account’. Magzter will Deactivate your account and delete all your data from our database within 30 days from the time we receive your deactivation request
Can I download magazines from magzter?
You can download magazines from the app onto your smart devices. Please make sure you have the latest version of the application installed on your device. The application is designed in such a way that once the magazine is completely downloaded, you will be able to read it even when offline till you delete it.
What is Magzter subscription?
Magzter is a database of online magazines and articles including popular Indian ones like India Today, Filmfare, Vogue India, Outlook Business, Entrepreneur, Femina Hindi, Tinkle, Nakkheeran, and Kungumam.
Steps to use Magzter Coupon Codes
Follow the steps
Total Time: 3 minutes
Visit the site
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Select coupons and then enter your coupon code.
Estimated Cost: 190 INR
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